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venerdì 20 maggio 2011

Pensieri in libertà Free thoughts

I am Richard,I am 14,I have a brother,I have got a dog and I live in Rome!

Don't think about the past and tink about the future!The past is a bad memory and the future is a new world don't take the bad street,take the best street.Ad never give up.

I watch the birds flying,I watch the sunshine in the sky,the stars are dancing in the night and the moon is singing the lullaby.

Today is wonderfuland the flowers are standing up.

I want to go to Genova on the 2nd June with my best friends and my sisters.There are 13 school days left!!

We are young.
Don't worry and be happy.
The end is near.
Life is cool.
I have a dream.

I hate school and i want to be back home.

In this world there is too much war and a very little peace!!

My dream is going to the Puntala beach as soon aspossible to have a beautiful and a lot of fun!

We imagine a worldwhere nothing is impossibile!

The present was past and will be future.

Today is a happy day
I want to play
But I'm at the school today.
And,I like it because is Friday.


1 commento:

  1. Significativo l'acronimo e anche avvilente, perchè corrisponde al vero.
    Sei uno/a che ci tiene ad essere un "libero pensatore?" Se ci tieni veramente, non ti arrendere e non aver mai paura di esprimere ciò che pensi.
    “Imparare senza pensare è fatica perduta; pensare senza imparare è pericoloso.” (Confucio)
    “Nessuno può farvi sentire inferiore senza il vostro consenso.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
    “La libertà non è un beneficio della cultura: era più grande prima di qualsiasi cultura, e ha subito restrizioni con l'evolversi della civiltà.” (Sigmund Freud)
